Hindu Editorial Analysis : 4-September-2023

India, as one of the world’s largest food producers, faces a persistent challenge of hunger and undernourishment. Despite extensive food security programs and the largest public distribution system globally, the country struggles with food insecurity, hunger, and child malnutrition. To better assess these issues, an India-specific hunger index at the state and union territory levels provides valuable insights.

Understanding India’s Hunger Challenge

Global Hunger Index (GHI)

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a vital tool for evaluating hunger and undernourishment. In the 2022 GHI, India ranked 107th among 121 countries, behind Nigeria and Pakistan. This index assesses undernourishment and hunger at the national level across three dimensions: calorie undernourishment, child malnutrition, and under-five mortality.

State Hunger Index (SHI)

To gain a more localized perspective, the State Hunger Index (SHI) was introduced. It utilizes indicators similar to the GHI, except it replaces calorie undernourishment with body mass index (BMI) undernourishment among the working-age population, as data on calorie undernourishment has not been available since 2012. The SHI scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating more hunger.

State-wise Hunger Assessment

Alarming States

Bihar, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh scored 35 on the SHI, placing them in the ‘alarming’ category. These states face severe hunger challenges.

Above National Average States

States like Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Tripura, Maharashtra, and West Bengal all scored above the national average of 29, reflecting hunger levels comparable to some African nations.

Moderate Hunger States

Chandigarh scored 12, while Sikkim, Puducherry, and Kerala scored below 16. These states, along with Manipur, Mizoram, Punjab, Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Tamil Nadu, fall under the ‘moderate hunger’ category.

Serious Hunger States

All other states, scoring below the national average but above 20, grapple with ‘serious hunger,’ highlighting the widespread nature of the issue.

COVID-19 Impact

The SHI does not account for the impact of COVID-19 due to the unavailability of post-pandemic estimates.

Challenges and Issues

Dispute Over Data and Methodology

India’s GHI score has deteriorated in recent years, primarily due to increasing calorie undernourishment. The Indian government has disputed these findings, but empirical evidence supporting its claims remains elusive.

Lack of National Sample Survey (NSS) Data

The absence of NSS rounds on nutritional intake since 2011-12 hinders our understanding of calorie undernourishment at national and subnational levels.

Climate Change and Food Insecurity

Climate change and extreme weather events pose significant threats to India’s food system and poverty alleviation efforts.

Non-communicable Diseases

Rising non-communicable diseases in India, linked to diet and nutrition, add to the complexity of the hunger challenge.

Suggested Solutions

Access to Nutritious Food

Prioritizing access to nutritious food for young children is crucial. Policies should emphasize the importance of this, moving away from the term “complementary” in maternal and child nutrition guidelines.

Improved Assessments

Utilizing household-level food insecurity modules developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization can help assess food security among Indian households more comprehensively.

Evidence-based Policy

To combat hunger and improve nutritional security, evidence-based policies must consider the availability, accessibility, and affordability of nutritious food, especially for vulnerable populations.

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana

Building on existing programs like the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, India should consider a strategic initiative led by the Prime Minister’s Office to eliminate food insecurity, ensuring affordable access to nutritious food, with a focus on young children, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of zero hunger.

Why In News

The creation of an India-specific hunger index at the level of States and Union Territories not only aids in assessing the extent of undernourishment at a more localised scale but also empowers policymakers with vital data to tailor targeted interventions and policies for communities in need. This localized approach enables a more effective and nuanced response to combat hunger and malnutrition across India’s diverse regions.

MCQs about The Significance of State Hunger Index

  1. What category of hunger is represented by states like Bihar, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh according to the State Hunger Index (SHI)?
    A. Low hunger
    B. Moderate hunger
    C. Serious hunger
    D. Alarming hunger
    Correct Answer: D. Alarming hunger.
    Explanation: States such as Bihar, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh scored 35 in the SHI, placing them in the ‘alarming’ category.
  2. What key issue has hindered India’s ability to assess calorie undernourishment at the national and subnational levels?
    A. Lack of government initiatives
    B. Disputes over data and methodology
    C. Climate change impacts
    D. Non-availability of food distribution systems
    Correct Answer: B. Disputes over data and methodology.
    Explanation: Disputes about data and methodology have affected India’s ability to assess calorie undernourishment.
  3. What should be the focus of policies related to maternal and child nutrition in India?
    A. Promoting calorie undernourishment
    B. Ensuring affordable access to nutritious food
    C. Encouraging complementary food for children
    D. Enhancing adult nutrition
    Correct Answer: B. Ensuring affordable access to nutritious food.
    Explanation: Prioritizing access to nutritious food for young children and moving away from the term “complementary” in policies and guidelines related to maternal and child nutrition.

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