The Nutri Garden Project, launched in Lakshadweep under the ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ initiative in 2022, has garnered praise from the Prime Minister of India. This project aimed to empower farmers and increase the supply of vegetables in the region. By distributing vegetable seeds, fruit saplings, and organic fertilizers to farmers, the project has successfully contributed to the self-reliance of Lakshadweep in vegetable production and improved nutritional security for the local population.
The Launch and Objective of the Nutri Garden Project
- Launched in Lakshadweep under the ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ initiative in 2022.
- Aimed to make the island archipelago self-reliant in vegetable production.
- Distributed vegetable seeds, grow bags, organic fertilizers, fruit saplings, and spices saplings to 1,000 farmers.
- Vegetable seeds included okra, tomato, brinjal, chilli, amaranthus, etc.
Enhancing Vegetable Supply in Lakshadweep
- Increased availability of fresh vegetables in the region.
- Improved nutritional security for the local population.
- Farmers were provided with the necessary resources to grow a wide range of vegetables.
- The distribution of over 8,000 fruit saplings and spices saplings has added diversity to the island’s produce.
Economic Benefits and Income Guarantee
- The Nutri Garden Project has had a significant positive impact on farmers’ income.
- Increased supply of fresh vegetables and fruits has created a sustainable source of income for farmers.
- Farmers have gained economic stability and financial independence.
- Income guarantee has provided farmers with the motivation to continue their agricultural activities.
Social Impact and Community Development
- The project has strengthened the social fabric of Lakshadweep’s communities.
- Enhanced availability of fresh vegetables has improved the overall health and well-being of the local population.
- The project has fostered a sense of pride and empowerment among farmers, leading to the growth of a resilient farming community.
Sustainability and Future Prospects
- The Nutri Garden Project lays the foundation for sustainable agriculture practices in Lakshadweep.
- By promoting organic fertilizers and diversifying crops, the project contributes to ecological balance.
- The success of the project encourages further investment in similar initiatives to boost agricultural productivity across India.
Important Points:
- 🌱 Nutri Garden Project:
- Launched in Lakshadweep under ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ initiative in 2022.
- Objective: Make the region self-reliant in vegetable production.
- Distributed vegetable seeds, grow bags, organic fertilizers, fruit saplings, and spices saplings to 1,000 farmers.
- 🥦 Increased Vegetable Supply:
- Supply of fresh vegetables in Lakshadweep has increased.
- Improved nutritional security for the local population.
- Farmers provided resources to grow a variety of vegetables.
- 💰 Economic Benefits and Income Guarantee:
- Farmers’ income has significantly increased.
- Sustainable income source from vegetable and fruit supply.
- Improved economic stability and financial independence for farmers.
- 👥 Social Impact and Community Development:
- Strengthened social fabric of Lakshadweep’s communities.
- Enhanced health and well-being through increased availability of fresh vegetables.
- Fostering pride and empowerment among farmers.
- ♻️ Sustainability and Future Prospects:
- Lays foundation for sustainable agriculture practices.
- Promotes the use of organic fertilizers.
- Diversification of crops contributes to ecological balance.
- 🌾 Inspiration for Similar Initiatives:
- Success encourages investment in similar projects across India.
- Boosts agricultural productivity and self-reliance.
- Potential for replication in other regions.
Overall, the Nutri Garden Project in Lakshadweep has:
- 📈 Increased vegetable supply and nutritional security.
- 💼 Boosted farmers’ income and provided income guarantee.
- 👪 Strengthened community bonds and improved well-being.
- 🌿 Fostered sustainability and ecological balance.
- 💡 Inspired similar initiatives for agricultural development in India.
Why In News
Prime Minister of India has enthusiastically commended the outstanding outcomes achieved through the Nutri Garden Project in Lakshadweep, hailing it as a transformative initiative that has significantly enhanced food security and nutrition in the region. He further emphasized the importance of replicating such successful endeavors across the nation to foster sustainable development and uplift the overall well-being of communities.
MCQs about The Success of the Nutri Garden Project in Lakshadweep
What was the main objective of the Nutri Garden Project in Lakshadweep?
A. Increase tourism in the region
B. Enhance vegetable supply and production
C. Promote traditional arts and crafts
D. Improve educational facilities
What resources were provided to the farmers as part of the Nutri Garden Project?
A. Vegetable seeds, grow bags, and organic fertilizers
B. Fishing nets and boats
C. Livestock and animal feed
D. Farming machinery and equipment
What impact did the Nutri Garden Project have on the farmers’ income?
A. No impact on income
B. Decreased income
C. Temporary increase in income
D. Significant increase in income
Besides economic benefits, what other positive impact did the Nutri Garden Project have on Lakshadweep?
A. Increased tourism revenue
B. Improved health and well-being of the local population
C. Strengthened political infrastructure
D. Expansion of transportation networks
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