Daily Current Affairs : 16-November-2023

The Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) 2.0, aimed at guiding tiger conservation efforts from 2023 to 2034, reflects the commitment of 13 tiger range countries under the St Petersburg Declaration in 2010. The recently reported tiger population data from 2010 to 2022 provides insights into the current state of tiger conservation worldwide.

Tiger Conservation Status Worldwide

Regional Disparities:

  • Positive Outlook in South Asia and Russia:
    • South Asia and Russia exhibit a positive trend in wild tiger status.
  • Challenges in Southeast Asia:
    • Southeast Asia faces a grim situation, posing challenges to global tiger population recovery.

Overall Population Increase:

  • Global Growth:
    • There is a commendable 60% increase in the global tiger population, totaling 5,870.
  • Concerns in Specific Countries:
    • Bhutan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao-PDR, and Vietnam experience a decline, terming the situation as “grim” in Southeast Asia.

Success Factors:

  • Effective Measures in South Asia:
    • Success attributed to effective measures in South Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal.
  • Country-Specific Achievements:
    • India’s wild tiger population stands at 3,167 in 2022, while Nepal triples its tiger population, showcasing significant progress.
Global Tiger Recovery Program 2.0 (2023-34)

Program Release:

  • Release Date and Venue:
    • GTRP 2.0 was unveiled on July 29, International Tiger Day 2023, at Thimphu by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
  • Background:
    • Initiated in 2010 by the World Bank under the Global Tiger Initiative, GTRP aims to double wild tiger populations by 2022.

Stakeholders and Collaboration:

  • Collaborators:
    • Tiger range countries, Global Tiger Forum, and collaborators like the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF).
  • Focus Areas:
    • Governance Strengthening, Resource Enhancement, Addressing Contemporary Challenges, and Differentiated Approach.
Threats to the Global Tiger Population

Challenging Situation:

  • Prey and Tiger Poaching:
    • Widespread prey and tiger poaching contribute to the challenging situation.
  • Contributing Factors:
    • Poor monitoring, low investment, habitat loss, and fragmentation pose significant threats.

Regional Concerns:

  • Southeast Asia Decline:
    • Rapid decline observed in Southeast Asia due to deforestation, infrastructure development, and illegal logging.
Suggestions from the Report

Conservation Imperatives:

  • Habitat Preservation:
    • Urgent steps needed to reverse habitat loss trends.
  • Prey Restoration:
    • Address prey depletion for a demographically viable tiger population.
  • Anti-Poaching Measures:
    • Implement measures to combat tiger poaching and ensure population sustainability.

Potential Loss Warning:

  • Critical Scenario:
    • Failure to address stressors could lead to a significant loss of the tiger population.
  • Southeast Asia Concern:
    • Particularly critical in Southeast Asia where substantial populations are at risk.
Perspective on Tiger Conservation Landscapes (TCL)

Human-Environmental Stress Continuum:

  • Recognition:
    • TCLs should be viewed within an ongoing human-environmental stress continuum.
  • Human-Induced Modifications:
    • Ongoing human-induced modifications impacting TCLs, including agro-pastoral activities.
Need for Robust Policies
  • Policy Framework:
    • The grim situation necessitates a robust policy framework.
  • Political Will:
    • Successful implementation requires political will.
  • Long-Term Resources:
    • Ensuring long-term resource availability is vital for sustained conservation efforts.
Global Population Growth and Challenges
  • Population Growth:
    • Acknowledges a 60% increase, reaching 5,870 individuals globally.
  • Highlighting Challenges:
    • Despite growth, the report underscores the challenges and threats faced by tigers, especially in Southeast Asia, emphasizing the grim situation.
Important Points:
  • Tiger Conservation Status Worldwide:
    • Positive Trends:
      • South Asia and Russia show good wild tiger status.
    • Challenges:
      • Southeast Asia faces a grim situation, posing a threat to global tiger population recovery.
  • Global Tiger Recovery Program 2.0 (2023-34):
    • Program Release:
      • Unveiled on July 29, 2023, on International Tiger Day at Thimphu, Bhutan.
    • Background:
      • Initiated in 2010 by the World Bank under the Global Tiger Initiative, aiming to double tiger populations by 2022.
  • Threats to the Global Tiger Population:
    • Challenging Situation:
      • Widespread prey and tiger poaching contribute to the challenge.
    • Contributing Factors:
      • Poor monitoring, low investment, habitat loss, and fragmentation pose significant threats.
  • Suggestions from the Report:
    • Conservation Imperatives:
      • Urgent steps needed for habitat preservation and prey restoration.
    • Anti-Poaching Measures:
      • Implement measures to combat tiger poaching and ensure population sustainability.
  • Perspective on Tiger Conservation Landscapes (TCL):
    • Human-Environmental Stress Continuum:
      • TCLs should be viewed within an ongoing human-environmental stress continuum.
    • Human-Induced Modifications:
      • Ongoing human-induced modifications, including agro-pastoral activities, impact TCLs.
  • Need for Robust Policies:
    • Policy Framework:
      • The grim situation necessitates a robust policy framework.
    • Political Will:
      • Successful implementation requires political will.
    • Long-Term Resources:
      • Ensuring long-term resource availability is vital for sustained conservation efforts.
  • Global Population Growth and Challenges:
    • Population Growth:
      • Acknowledges a 60% increase, reaching 5,870 individuals globally.
    • Highlighting Challenges:
      • Despite growth, challenges persist, especially in Southeast Asia, emphasizing the grim situation.
Why In News

Nations have submitted their tiger population data spanning the years 2010 to 2022 to both the Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) and the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) as part of GTRP 2.0. This program, developed to steer tiger conservation endeavors from 2023 to 2034, is a direct outcome of the 2010 St Petersburg Declaration. In this declaration, 13 tiger range countries committed to halting the decline in tiger populations and working towards doubling their numbers by 2022.

MCQs about Tiger Conservation 2.0

  1. What is the main objective of the Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) 2.0?
    A. To decrease tiger populations by 50% globally.
    B. To guide tiger conservation efforts from 2010 to 2022.
    C. To double wild tiger populations by 2022.
    D. To focus exclusively on tiger populations in Southeast Asia.
    Correct Answer: C. To double wild tiger populations by 2022.
    Explanation: The GTRP 2.0 aims to double wild tiger populations by 2022, as outlined in the St Petersburg Declaration.
  2. Which region exhibits positive trends in wild tiger status?
    A. North America
    B. South Asia and Russia
    C. Southeast Asia
    D. Europe
    Correct Answer: B. South Asia and Russia
    Explanation: South Asia and Russia exhibit positive trends in wild tiger status.
  3. What is emphasized as a significant threat to tiger conservation ?
    A. Global economic changes
    B. Deforestation and infrastructure development
    C. Climate change
    D. Changes in international trade policies
    Correct Answer: B. Deforestation and infrastructure development are highlighted as significant threats to tiger conservation.
    Explanation: Deforestation and infrastructure development as significant threats to tiger conservation.
  4. When was the Global Tiger Recovery Program (GTRP) 2.0 unveiled, and where?
    A. On International Tiger Day 2022, in New York.
    B. On International Tiger Day 2023, in Thimphu, Bhutan.
    C. On World Wildlife Day 2023, in Moscow, Russia.
    D. On Earth Day 2022, in Bangkok, Thailand.
    Correct Answer: B. GTRP 2.0 was unveiled on International Tiger Day 2023, in Thimphu, Bhutan, as mentioned in the essay.
    Explanation: The Global Tiger Recovery Program 2.0 was released on International Tiger Day 2023, at Thimphu by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.

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