Daily Current Affairs : 20-July-2023

The recent North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit held in Vilnius, Lithuania, sparked significant discussions regarding Sweden’s potential membership in the alliance. Turkey emerged as a prominent voice of opposition, citing concerns over perceived leniency towards certain groups and security threats. However, Sweden’s efforts to address these concerns led to a breakthrough, ultimately resulting in the withdrawal of Turkey’s opposition. This essay explores the reasons behind Turkey’s initial opposition, the factors that contributed to its withdrawal, and the implications of Sweden’s potential membership for NATO.

Turkey’s Opposition to Sweden’s NATO Membership: A. Accusations of Security Threats:
  1. Turkey accused Sweden of being too lenient towards groups it considers security threats, such as militant Kurdish organizations.
  2. Ankara also expressed concerns about Sweden’s alleged ties with “terrorist” groups, including the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the People’s Protection Units (YPG).
  3. The PKK’s armed insurgency for greater autonomy for Turkey’s Kurdish minority and the YPG’s control over parts of the Kurdish region in Syria added to Turkey’s security concerns.
Turkey’s Withdrawal of Opposition: A. Concrete Steps to Address Concerns:
  1. Sweden made significant efforts to address Turkey’s concerns by amending its constitution and changing its laws.
  2. The country expanded its counter-terrorism cooperation against the PKK, a crucial step outlined in the Trilateral Memorandum agreed upon in 2022.
  3. Resuming arms exports to Turkey further demonstrated Sweden’s commitment to easing tensions.

Implementation of “Terrorist Offenses Act”:

  1. Sweden assured Turkey that it would implement the new “Terrorist Offenses Act” from July 1, showcasing its commitment to combatting terrorism.
  2. This act is expected to aid in addressing Turkey’s concerns about terrorist activities on Swedish soil.

Execution of Deportations or Extraditions:

  1. Sweden agreed to execute pending “deportations or extraditions” of individuals listed as “terror” suspects by Turkey, fostering cooperation and addressing security issues.

Establishment of a Bilateral Security Compact:

  1. Both countries agreed to create a new bilateral Security Compact, facilitating annual meetings at the ministerial level to enhance cooperation and communication.
Implications of Sweden’s NATO Membership: A. Alignment with NATO’s Expansion Plans:
  1. Sweden’s membership aligns with NATO’s efforts to expand its reach and strengthen security and defense integration in the Nordic, Baltic, and Arctic regions.
  2. It adds weight to NATO’s presence in the region, with all other Nordic countries already being members of the alliance.

Enhanced Defense Capabilities:

  1. Sweden possesses a sophisticated army and defense technology, potentially bolstering NATO’s capabilities and readiness.
  2. This could prove beneficial in dealing with security challenges and reinforcing NATO’s standing as a defensive alliance.

Proximity to Russia’s Borders:

  1. Sweden’s membership would bring NATO closer to Russia’s borders, raising concerns among certain stakeholders about potential geopolitical implications.

Formal NATO Protections:

  1. By joining NATO, Sweden secures the protections outlined in Article 5 of the alliance’s treaty, stating that an attack on any NATO member is considered an attack on all members.
  2. This formalizes Sweden’s security guarantees and strengthens its position in the international arena.

Important Points

  • Turkey’s opposition to Sweden’s NATO membership was primarily due to concerns about perceived leniency towards security threats, including militant Kurdish groups and individuals associated with a coup attempt.
  • Sweden took concrete steps to address Turkey’s concerns, amending its constitution, changing laws, expanding counter-terrorism cooperation against the PKK, and resuming arms exports to Turkey.
  • Sweden assured Turkey that it would implement the new “Terrorist Offenses Act” and agreed to execute pending deportations or extraditions of listed “terror” suspects.
  • A bilateral Security Compact was established between Sweden and Turkey, promoting cooperation and communication at the ministerial level.
  • Sweden’s NATO membership aligns with the alliance’s expansion plans, consolidating security efforts and defense integration in the Nordic, Baltic, and Arctic regions.
  • The membership brings NATO closer to Russia’s borders, raising geopolitical implications.
  • Sweden’s sophisticated army and defense technology could benefit NATO and enhance the alliance’s capabilities.
  • Sweden gains formal NATO protections, including Article 5, which considers an attack on any NATO member as an attack on all members.
Why In News

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) recently convened its highly anticipated two-day summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, where leaders from member countries came together to address pressing global security challenges. Throughout the summit, robust discussions were held to strengthen the alliance’s collective defense capabilities and foster closer cooperation with partner nations.

MCQs about Turkey’s Opposition to Sweden’s NATO Membership

  1. Why was Turkey initially against Sweden’s membership in NATO?
    A. Turkey accused Sweden of having ties with terrorist groups.
    B. Turkey opposed Sweden’s sophisticated army and defense technology.
    C. Sweden had taken steps to address Turkey’s security concerns.
    D. Turkey believed Sweden was too lenient towards militant Kurdish groups.
    Correct Answer: D. Turkey believed Sweden was too lenient towards militant Kurdish groups.
    Explanation: Turkey’s government opposed Sweden’s NATO membership primarily because they accused Sweden of being too lenient towards groups they considered security threats, including militant Kurdish groups and individuals associated with the 2016 coup attempt.
  2. What were some of the concrete steps taken by Sweden to address Turkey’s concerns?
    A. Implementing the “Terrorist Offenses Act” and increasing arms exports to Turkey.
    B. Expanding counter-terrorism cooperation and resuming arms exports to Turkey.
    C. Severing all ties with the PKK and YPG.
    D. Withdrawing support for other Nordic countries’ NATO membership.
    Correct Answer: B. Expanding counter-terrorism cooperation and resuming arms exports to Turkey.
    Explanation: Sweden took significant concrete steps to address Turkey’s concerns, including amending its constitution, changing laws, significantly expanding its counter-terrorism cooperation against the PKK, and resuming arms exports to Turkey.
  3. What does Sweden’s NATO membership mean for the alliance?
    A. It aligns with NATO’s expansion plans and enhances defense capabilities.
    B. It results in complete defense integration in the Baltic region.
    C. It leads to a decrease in NATO’s security efforts in the Arctic region.
    D. It isolates NATO from other non-Nordic countries.
    Correct Answer: A. It aligns with NATO’s expansion plans and enhances defense capabilities.
    Explanation: Sweden’s NATO membership aligns with the alliance’s expansion plans, consolidates security efforts, and enhances defense integration in the Nordic, Baltic, and Arctic regions. Sweden’s sophisticated army and defense technology could also benefit NATO’s overall capabilities.
  4. What formal protections does Sweden gain by joining NATO?
    A. Sweden gains access to advanced military technologies from NATO member countries.
    B. Sweden secures support from non-NATO countries during times of conflict.
    C. Sweden becomes part of a bilateral Security Compact with Turkey.
    D. Sweden is entitled to the collective defense under Article 5 of NATO.
    Correct Answer: D. Sweden is entitled to the collective defense under Article 5 of NATO.
    Explanation: By joining NATO, Sweden gains formal protections, including Article 5, which states that any attack on a NATO member “shall be considered an attack against them all.” This provision ensures that NATO member countries come to each other’s defense in times of need, providing a strong security guarantee for Sweden.

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