Hindu Editorial Analysis : 17-January-2024

The Supreme Court’s recent directive to the Bihar government to submit a report on the caste survey has sparked significant discussions. This essay aims to delve into the various aspects of the Bihar Caste-based Survey, highlighting its findings, importance, concerns, and the positions taken by both the Central Government and the judiciary.

Key Findings of the Caste Survey

The survey reveals that extremely backward classes (EBCs) and other backward classes (OBCs) constitute almost 63% of Bihar’s 13-crore population, with Yadavs being the most prominent group at 14.26%. This data is crucial for shaping policies and development plans for all classes in the state.

Importance of Caste Data

Caste data plays a pivotal role in understanding labor market dynamics, wealth inequality, and the effective implementation of policy schemes. It provides insights into the developmental patterns of the country, helping formulate inclusive policies and identifying obstacles to achieving genuine equal participation and resource redistribution.

Concerns and Issues

Despite its significance, caste-based data collection raises concerns. It can potentially reinforce caste identities, create divisions, and empower unscrupulous leaders to exploit caste affiliations for political gains. Nationally, it may fuel demands for a country-wide caste census and reopen debates on reservation ceilings.

Central Government’s Stance

The Central Government contends that only it has the authority to conduct a caste survey, asserting violations of constitutional provisions and relevant laws by the Bihar Caste-based Survey. This dispute underscores the complexity of the jurisdictional landscape surrounding caste-related data collection.

Judiciary’s Perspective

The Patna High Court initially stayed the survey but later deemed it “perfectly valid.” The court justified its decision by citing the state’s legitimate interest in development with justice and reasonable restrictions on citizens’ rights. The Supreme Court, refusing to halt the publication of survey data, emphasized transparency by urging the Bihar government to make the caste survey findings public.

MCQs about Bihar’s Caste-based Survey

  1. What percentage of Bihar’s population do extremely backward classes (EBCs) and other backward classes (OBCs) constitute according to the caste survey?
    A. 50%
    B. 63%
    C. 75%
    D. 85%
    Correct Answer: B. 63%
    Explanation: The EBCs and OBCs together make up nearly 63% of Bihar’s 13-crore population.
  2. What is one of the concerns associated with caste-based data collection ?
    A. Strengthening social structures
    B. Empowering unscrupulous leaders
    C. Ensuring equal participation
    D. Resolving wealth inequality
    Correct Answer: B. Empowering unscrupulous leaders
    Explanation: The caste data can potentially empower unscrupulous leaders to exploit caste affiliations for political gains.
  3. According to the Central Government’s stance, what claim is made regarding the authority to conduct a caste survey?
    A. States have exclusive rights
    B. Local bodies can conduct surveys
    C. Only the Central Government has the sole right
    D. Both Central and State Governments share the authority
    Correct Answer: C. Only the Central Government has the sole right
    Explanation: The Central Government claims exclusive authority to conduct a caste survey and argues that the Bihar Caste-based Survey violated constitutional provisions and relevant laws.

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