Daily Current Affairs : 19-September-2023

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is an annual event that highlights the urgent need to address suicide-related issues across the globe. Established in 2003, it is a joint effort by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The overarching goal of WSPD is to reduce stigma, raise awareness, and promote the idea that suicide is preventable. In this essay, we will explore the relevance of WSPD in India, with a particular focus on the alarming rate of female suicides, especially among housewives.

Observing World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day, celebrated on September 10th each year, is a vital occasion for addressing suicide-related concerns. It serves as a platform for various stakeholders, including governments, organizations, and the general public, to come together and collectively work towards suicide prevention. The theme for WSPD from 2021 to 2023, “Creating hope through action,” emphasizes the importance of believing in alternatives to suicide and fostering a sense of confidence and positivity in individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Challenges Faced by Housewives in India

High Suicide Rates: In India, housewives accounted for a staggering 51.5% of female suicides in 2021, shedding light on a distressing trend. States like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, and Karnataka reported alarmingly high numbers of female suicides, with housewives constituting a significant portion of these statistics. Furthermore, housewives make up approximately 15% of all suicides in the country.

Challenging Circumstances: Housewives in India often grapple with a unique set of challenges that contribute to their vulnerability:

  • Restricted Mobility: Many women, especially in rural areas, face limitations on their mobility due to societal norms and safety concerns. This isolation can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair.
  • Economic Dependence: Housewives often rely on their spouses or families for financial support, leaving them vulnerable to various forms of abuse. Their lack of financial independence restricts their choices and escape options.
  • Gender Roles: Traditional gender roles and patriarchal norms can erode women’s control over their lives, particularly within the context of marriage. This powerlessness can exacerbate their vulnerability to suicidal thoughts.
  • Domestic Violence: India grapples with a significant issue of domestic violence, encompassing physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Stigma, fear, and a lack of support systems often compel women to endure such abuse in silence.
  • Mental Health Stigma: India’s pervasive societal stigma surrounding mental health issues and help-seeking behavior further exacerbates the problem. Many women hesitate to seek external assistance or confide in others about their mental health struggles, resulting in limited access to mental health support.
Other Factors Contributing to the Problem of Suicide in India

Apart from the challenges faced by housewives, several other factors contribute to the alarming suicide rates in India:

  • Agrarian Challenges: India’s agrarian economy faces numerous issues, including unpredictable weather patterns, land degradation, and high input costs. These challenges have led to a significant number of farmer suicides, often driven by debt burdens and crop failures.
  • Access to Lethal Means: In rural areas, access to lethal means like pesticides is relatively easy, contributing to a higher rate of impulsive suicides.
  • Educational Pressure: India’s competitive education system exerts immense pressure on students to excel academically. The fear of failure and high parental expectations can lead to mental health issues and suicides, as students may feel trapped without viable alternatives.
  • Limited Mental Healthcare: Despite recent efforts to improve mental health services, there remains a shortage of mental health professionals and limited access to affordable mental healthcare, especially in rural areas. This scarcity exacerbates the mental health crisis in India and is closely linked to the rising suicide rates.
  • LGBTQIA+ Discrimination: Many LGBTQIA+ individuals in India face severe discrimination and rejection from their families, leading to feelings of isolation and depression. Lack of acceptance and familial support is a significant contributing factor to suicides within this community.
  • Cyberbullying: With the proliferation of technology and social media, cyberbullying has become a pressing issue, particularly among young people. Online harassment and bullying can have severe consequences on mental health and may contribute to suicides.

Important Points:

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD)

  • WSPD is observed annually on September 10th.
  • It aims to reduce stigma and raise awareness about suicide prevention.
  • The 2021-2023 theme is “Creating hope through action.”

Challenges Faced by Housewives in India

  • Housewives accounted for 51.5% of female suicides in 2021.
  • Challenges include restricted mobility, economic dependence, gender roles, domestic violence, and mental health stigma.

Other Factors Contributing to Suicide in India

  • Agrarian challenges, including unpredictable weather patterns and debt burdens, contribute to farmer suicides.
  • Access to lethal means, like pesticides, is easier in rural areas, leading to impulsive suicides.
  • Educational pressure and high parental expectations can lead to mental health issues and suicides among students.
  • There’s a shortage of mental health professionals and limited access to affordable mental healthcare, especially in rural areas.
  • Discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals and lack of family support contribute to their vulnerability to suicide.
  • Cyberbullying, especially among young people, can have severe consequences on mental health and contribute to suicides.
Why In News

World Suicide Prevention Day has underscored the pressing issue of female suicide in India, with a particular focus on the alarming rates among housewives. This poignant occasion serves as a crucial reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive mental health support and societal awareness to combat this distressing trend.

MCQs about Female Suicide in India

  1. What is the primary purpose of World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD)?
    A. To celebrate the achievements in the field of mental health
    B. To raise awareness about suicide-related issues and reduce stigma
    C. To commemorate famous individuals who struggled with mental health
    D. To promote suicide as a solution to life’s challenges
    Correct Answer: B. To raise awareness about suicide-related issues and reduce stigma
    Explanation: WSPD aims to reduce stigma, raise awareness about suicide prevention, and promote the idea that suicide is preventable.
  2. Which group accounted for the highest percentage of female suicides in India in 2021?
    A. Working professionals
    B. Housewives
    C. Students
    D. LGBTQIA+ individuals
    Correct Answer: B. Housewives
    Explanation: The housewives constituted 51.5% of female suicides in India in 2021.
  3. What contributes to the accessibility of lethal means for suicide in rural areas of India?
    A. Strict regulations on the sale of pesticides
    B. Limited access to technology and the internet
    C. Easy availability of pesticides
    D. Strong community support systems
    Correct Answer: C. Easy availability of pesticides
    Explanation: In rural areas of India, access to lethal means like pesticides is relatively easy, contributing to a higher rate of impulsive suicides.

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