Daily Current Affairs : 21-August-2023

In a remarkable discovery, the nests of the majestic white-bellied sea eagles (Haliaeetus leucogaster) have been unearthed atop powerline towers in the picturesque region of Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu, India. These powerful raptors, with their distinctive appearance and fascinating behaviors, have long been a subject of interest among ornithologists and nature enthusiasts. This essay delves into the world of the white-bellied sea eagle, exploring their habitat, habits, and significance in the ecological tapestry.

The White-Bellied Sea Eagle: An Overview
  1. Family Accipitridae: The white-bellied sea eagle is a member of the Accipitridae family, sharing its lineage with hawks, kites, and other birds of prey. This remarkable bird is characterized by its striking appearance and impressive hunting prowess.
  2. Range and Distribution: These eagles have established a wide distribution range along the sea coast of India, stretching from Mumbai in the west to the eastern coast of Bangladesh. Additionally, they grace the skies of Sri Lanka in southern Asia and are found throughout coastal south-eastern Asia, southern China, and even as far south as Australia.
  3. Conservation Status: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies the white-bellied sea eagle as a species of ‘least concern’ on its Red List. This categorization reflects their relatively stable population and the absence of immediate threats to their survival.
Habitat and Nesting Behavior
  1. Preferred Diet: These raptors are primarily piscivorous, meaning they feed predominantly on sea snakes and fish. Their sharp talons and keen eyesight make them formidable hunters of aquatic prey. While they are often associated with marine environments, they can occasionally be spotted hunting in inland waters along tidal rivers and freshwater lakes.
  2. Nesting Habits: White-bellied sea eagles are known for their fidelity to specific localities, often occupying the same territories for years. They typically construct their nests in tall trees that are strategically located near the seacoast, tidal creeks, and estuaries. The choice of nesting sites is essential to their survival as it provides them easy access to their primary food sources.
Significance in the Ecosystem
  1. Top Predators: These eagles play a crucial role in the ecosystem as apex predators. By regulating the populations of their prey species, such as sea snakes and fish, they help maintain the health and balance of their coastal habitats.
  2. Indicators of Ecosystem Health: The presence and well-being of white-bellied sea eagles in a given area can serve as an indicator of the overall health of the ecosystem. Their dependence on unpolluted water bodies underscores the importance of preserving these habitats.

Important Points:

  • White-bellied sea eagles have been discovered nesting on powerline towers in Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu.
  • These eagles belong to the Accipitridae family and have a wide distribution along the sea coast of India, Sri Lanka, south-eastern Asia, southern China, and Australia.
  • They are categorized as ‘least concern’ on the IUCN Red List, indicating a stable population and minimal threats to their existence.
  • White-bellied sea eagles primarily feed on sea snakes and fish, and they are occasionally seen hunting in inland waters.
  • They exhibit fidelity to specific localities and build their nests in tall trees near coastal areas, tidal creeks, and estuaries.
  • These eagles play a vital role as apex predators in coastal ecosystems by regulating prey populations.
  • Their presence can serve as an indicator of ecosystem health, particularly the quality of water bodies in their habitat.
  • Protecting white-bellied sea eagles and their habitats is crucial for their survival and for maintaining a balanced environment.
Why In News

In Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, researchers made a fascinating discovery when they found the nests of white-bellied sea eagles perched on powerline towers. These majestic birds had chosen these unlikely structures as their homes, showcasing their adaptability to the changing landscape, providing a unique opportunity for studying their behavior in this unexpected urban environment.

MCQs about White-Bellied Sea Eagles in Tamil Nadu

  1. What is the primary diet of the white-bellied sea eagle?
    A. Sea snakes and fish
    B. Insects and rodents
    C. Small mammals and birds
    D. Fruits and berries
    Correct Answer: A. Sea snakes and fish
    Explanation: The white-bellied sea eagles are primarily piscivorous, which means they feed predominantly on sea snakes and fish.
  2. Where were the nests of white-bellied sea eagles discovered in Tamil Nadu?
    A. Atop powerline towers
    B. In caves along the coastline
    C. In tall trees deep in the forest
    D. In underground burrows near estuaries
    Correct Answer: A. Atop powerline towers
    Explanation: The nests of white-bellied sea eagles were found on powerline towers in Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu.
  3. What is the IUCN Red List status of the white-bellied sea eagle?
    A. Least Concern
    B. Critically Endangered
    C. Endangered
    D. Vulnerable
    Correct Answer: A. Least Concern
    Explanation: The white-bellied sea eagle is categorized as being of ‘least concern’ on the IUCN Red List, indicating a stable population and minimal threats to their existence.
  4. Why are white-bellied sea eagles considered important in their ecosystems?
    A. They are important pollinators
    B. They are apex predators that regulate prey populations
    C. They are seed dispersers for coastal plants
    D. They help in controlling forest fires
    Correct Answer: B. They are apex predators that regulate prey populations
    Explanation: These eagles play a crucial role in the ecosystem as apex predators by regulating the populations of their prey species, such as sea snakes and fish.

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