Daily Current Affairs : 29-July-2023

The National Zoological Park, also known as Delhi Zoo, recently celebrated World Nature Conservation Day, bringing together students and nature enthusiasts to promote the concept of Lifestyle for Environment (Mission-LiFE). This event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of conserving the natural environment and its resources. World Nature Conservation Day is observed annually on 28th July, with the primary objective of instilling environmental consciousness among people and encouraging them to protect and preserve the planet’s biodiversity.

World Nature Conservation Day and Mission LiFE: What You Should Know
World Nature Conservation Day – Preserving Nature for a Sustainable Future

World Nature Conservation Day serves as a reminder of the critical role that nature plays in sustaining life on Earth. It emphasizes the need to protect and conserve our environment, ensuring the well-being of current and future generations. By celebrating this day, we acknowledge the significance of forests, wildlife, and natural resources in supporting livelihoods, ecological balance, and overall planetary health. The theme for World Nature Conservation Day 2022 was “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet,” highlighting the vital link between nature and human well-being.

Mission LiFE – Lifestyle for the Environment

Mission LiFE is an India-led global mass movement that encourages individuals and communities to take action in safeguarding the environment. Its core objective is to transform individuals into “Pro-Planet People” who engage in mindful and deliberate utilization of resources, steering away from mindless and destructive consumption. This movement operates in three distinct phases, each requiring a fundamental shift in our approach towards sustainability:

  1. Change in Demand (Phase I): The initial phase focuses on nudging individuals worldwide to adopt simple yet effective environment-friendly actions in their daily lives. These actions can include reducing plastic usage, conserving water, practicing responsible waste disposal, and embracing energy-efficient practices.
  2. Change in Supply (Phase II): As large-scale individual demand for sustainable products and practices increases, industries and markets are expected to respond by tailoring their supply and procurement accordingly. This phase recognizes the significance of consumer choices in influencing corporate practices.
  3. Change in Policy (Phase III): In the final phase, the mission aims to trigger shifts in large-scale industrial and government policies. These policy changes can support sustainable consumption and production, creating a conducive environment for a greener and more sustainable future.
Ancient Wisdom and Sustainable Living

Mission LiFE recognizes the inherent sustainability of Indian culture and living traditions. Our ancient scriptures and teachings have long emphasized the importance of living in harmony with nature and conserving our precious natural resources. As we face the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation in the modern world, tapping into this ancient wisdom becomes crucial.

Important Points:

  • National Zoological Park, New Delhi (Delhi Zoo), celebrated World Nature Conservation Day to raise awareness about the environment and promote Mission LiFE.
  • World Nature Conservation Day is observed annually on 28th July to create awareness about the importance of preserving the natural environment and its resources.
  • The theme for World Nature Conservation Day 2022 was “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet.”
  • Mission LiFE is an India-led global mass movement to encourage individuals and communities to protect and preserve the environment.
  • Mission LiFE aims to transform individuals into “Pro-Planet People” who engage in mindful and deliberate utilization of resources.
  • The movement operates in three phases: Change in Demand, Change in Supply, and Change in Policy.
  • Change in Demand (Phase I) involves nudging individuals worldwide to adopt simple yet effective environment-friendly actions in their daily lives.
  • Change in Supply (Phase II) focuses on industries and markets responding to increased demand for sustainable products and practices.
  • Change in Policy (Phase III) aims to trigger shifts in large-scale industrial and government policies to support sustainable consumption and production.
  • Mission LiFE recognizes the inherent sustainability of Indian culture and living traditions, emphasizing the importance of living in harmony with nature.
  • Ancient scriptures and teachings stress the need to conserve natural resources and coexist with the environment.
  • Embracing sustainable practices and promoting environmental awareness is crucial for building a greener and healthier future.
  • Collective efforts, starting from individuals and communities, can create a positive impact on the environment.
Why In News

National Zoological Park, New Delhi (Delhi Zoo), was abuzz with vibrant festivities as they passionately celebrated World Nature Conservation Day, reaffirming their commitment to preserving wildlife and promoting environmental awareness.During the event, the Delhi Zoo also launched innovative educational programs and interactive exhibits, inspiring visitors to actively engage in conservation efforts and take a proactive role in safeguarding our planet’s precious biodiversity.

MCQs about World Nature Conservation Day and Mission LiFE

  1. What is the main purpose of celebrating World Nature Conservation Day annually on 28th July?
    A. To promote the concept of Lifestyle for Environment (Mission LiFE)
    B. To create awareness about the importance of conserving natural resources
    C. To celebrate the beauty of forests and wildlife
    D. To emphasize the significance of national parks and zoos
    Correct Answer: B. To create awareness about the importance of conserving natural resources.
    Explanation: World Nature Conservation Day is observed to highlight the crucial role of nature in sustaining life on Earth and promote awareness about the need to protect and conserve the environment and its resources.
  2. What is the core objective of Mission LiFE?
    A. To encourage individuals to live a lavish lifestyle
    B. To promote environmentally-friendly industries
    C. To mobilize individuals to become ‘Pro-Planet People’ and protect the environment
    D. To increase government control over environmental policies
    Correct Answer: C. To mobilize individuals to become ‘Pro-Planet People’ and protect the environment.
    Explanation: Mission LiFE aims to encourage individuals and communities to take action in safeguarding the environment and engage in mindful and deliberate utilization of resources to promote sustainability.
  3. Which phase of Mission LiFE involves nudging individuals to practice environment-friendly actions in their daily lives?
    A. Change in Demand (Phase I)
    B. Change in Supply (Phase II)
    C. Change in Policy (Phase III)
    D. Change in Lifestyle (Phase IV)
    Correct Answer: A. Change in Demand (Phase I)
    Explanation: In Phase I of Mission LiFE, the movement focuses on nudging individuals worldwide to adopt simple yet effective environment-friendly actions in their daily lives to promote sustainable practices.

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