Daily Current Affairs : 20-September-2023

In a significant move aimed at transforming India’s agriculture sector, the Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister has recently advocated for the development of real-time assessments of likely crop yields. This demand arises from the pressing need for a dependable automated system that can accurately estimate farm output, which is currently lacking in the country. While we can currently estimate the extent of land dedicated to crops like wheat, we remain in the dark about the potential output. To address this issue, a groundbreaking automated real-time Yield Estimation System, aptly named YES-Tech, has been introduced for the wheat and rice crops. Developed in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), YES-Tech aims to revolutionize agricultural planning by providing timely yield data.

The Need for Real-Time Crop Yield Estimates
  1. Current Agricultural Limitations
    • India’s agriculture heavily relies on crop production, making it vital to have precise yield estimates.
    • Presently, the focus is on assessing the extent of land under cultivation, leaving the actual output uncertain.
  2. Uncertainty for Farmers
    • Farmers often face uncertainty due to the lack of accurate yield estimates.
    • This uncertainty can lead to challenges in pricing, marketing, and planning for future crops.
Introducing YES-Tech: Real-Time Yield Estimation System
  1. YES-Tech Overview
    • YES-Tech is a cutting-edge real-time Yield Estimation System designed to provide accurate crop yield assessments.
    • Initially implemented for wheat and rice, this system is set to revolutionize Indian agriculture.
  2. Collaboration with ISRO and ICAR
    • The development of YES-Tech involved collaboration with two prestigious institutions, ISRO and ICAR.
    • ISRO’s expertise in remote sensing and satellite technology, combined with ICAR’s agricultural knowledge, made this initiative possible.
  3. Benefits of YES-Tech
    • Timely Yield Data: YES-Tech offers real-time yield data, reducing uncertainty for farmers and stakeholders.
    • Improved Planning: Accurate yield estimates enable better planning for imports and exports, ensuring farmers’ welfare.
Expanding YES-Tech’s Reach
  1. Covering Additional Crops
    • YES-Tech’s success with wheat and rice paves the way for its expansion to other essential crops.
    • The system’s next targets include pulses and oilseeds, further enhancing its utility.
  2. Economic Implications
    • By extending YES-Tech to cover a broader range of crops, the economy stands to benefit significantly.
    • Precise yield data facilitates informed decision-making regarding import and export policies, safeguarding farmers’ interests.

Important Points:

  • India’s Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister advocates real-time crop yield assessments.
  • The lack of an automated and reliable farm output estimation system is a pressing issue.
  • Current methods focus on land extent rather than actual crop output.
  • The YES-Tech system, developed in collaboration with ISRO and ICAR, addresses this issue.
  • YES-Tech is initially implemented for wheat and rice crops.
  • YES-Tech provides real-time yield data, reducing uncertainty for farmers.
  • Collaboration with ISRO and ICAR combines satellite technology and agricultural expertise.
  • The system’s success could lead to its expansion to other essential crops like pulses and oilseeds.
  • Accurate yield data enables better planning for imports and exports.
  • The initiative aims to safeguard farmers’ interests while modernizing Indian agriculture.
Why In News

The Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister, in a recent address, emphasized the need for real-time assessments to predict potential crop yields accurately, aiming to bolster the agricultural sector. This initiative is expected to revolutionize farming practices by equipping farmers with timely information to make informed decisions and enhance crop productivity, ultimately contributing to food security and economic growth.

MCQs about YES-Tech: Revolutionizing Indian Agriculture

  1. What is the primary purpose of YES-Tech, the real-time Yield Estimation System mentioned in the essay?
    A. To improve crop irrigation techniques
    B. To provide accurate crop yield assessments
    C. To monitor soil quality in agricultural fields
    D. To promote organic farming practices
    Correct Answer: B. To provide accurate crop yield assessments
    Explanation: The YES-Tech’s primary purpose is to provide accurate real-time crop yield assessments.
  2. Who were the key collaborators in the development of YES-Tech?
    A. NASA and WHO
    B. ISRO and ICAR
    C. UNESCO and FAO
    D. UNICEF and WTO
    Correct Answer: B. ISRO and ICAR
    Explanation: The YES-Tech was developed in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).
  3. Which crops were initially targeted for assessment by YES-Tech?
    A. Cotton and sugarcane
    B. Wheat and rice
    C. Maize and barley
    D. Tea and coffee
    Correct Answer: B. Wheat and rice
    Explanation: The YES-Tech was initially implemented for the assessment of wheat and rice crops.

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