Astronomers have recently detected a repeating radio signal from an exoplanet called YZ Ceti b, which has indicated the presence of a magnetic field around it. This magnetic field is considered as one of the prerequisites for a habitable planet.

What are exoplanets?

Exoplanets are planets that are located outside our solar system. These planets are believed to be similar to those within our solar system, but there are several differences that make them unique. They are typically detected by monitoring the stars they orbit, as they cause a slight wobble or a dip in brightness.

YZ Ceti b: What You Should Know
What is YZ Ceti B?

YZ Ceti b is a terrestrial exoplanet that orbits an M-type star, located about 12 light-years away from us. Its mass is around 0.7 times that of Earth, and it takes only two days to complete one orbit around its star. YZ Ceti b was discovered in 2017, and it is one of the closest exoplanets to us.

What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a region in space where a magnetic force is exerted. It is produced by electric charges in motion and can cause a force on any material in its vicinity. Unlike other forces, a magnetic field does not require any medium to propagate, meaning that it can even travel through a vacuum. The earth has its own natural magnetism, which protects it from solar waves from the sun.

YZ Ceti b: What You Should Know
Courtesy:Science Fact
Why does the magnetic field of YZ Ceti b matter?

The magnetic field of YZ Ceti b is significant because it indicates the potential habitability of the planet. The strong radio waves detected from the planet suggest that it has a magnetic field. The magnetic field is crucial for any planet to sustain life as it shields it from harmful solar winds and cosmic radiation.

The energy surges from the parent star YZ Ceti can cause disruption in telecommunications on earth, and it can damage orbiting satellites. Intense bursts of energy from the parent star-planet exchange produce spectacular auroral lights. These radio waves, which are strong enough to be detected on Earth, confirmed the existence of an exoplanetary magnetic field.

Why In News

Astronomers have recently made an exciting discovery with the detection of a repeating radio signal from YZ Ceti b, a terrestrial exoplanet that orbits an M-type star. This finding has significant implications for the search for habitable exoplanets beyond our solar system, as the presence of a magnetic field is considered to be one of the essential requirements for a planet to support life.

MCQs about YZ Ceti b

  1. What is YZ Ceti b?
    A. A terrestrial exoplanet that orbits an M-type star.
    B. A gas giant exoplanet that orbits a G-type star.
    C. A dwarf planet that orbits a white dwarf.
    D. A moon that orbits a gas giant planet.
    Correct Answer: A. A terrestrial exoplanet that orbits an M-type star.
    Explanation: YZ Ceti b is a terrestrial exoplanet that orbits an M-type star.
  2. What is an exoplanet?
    A. A planet beyond our solar system.
    B. A planet within our solar system.
    C. A planet that has a habitable atmosphere.
    D. A planet that is similar in size to Earth.
    Correct Answer: A. A planet beyond our solar system.
    Explanation: exoplanet as any planet beyond our solar system.
  3. What is a magnetic field?
    A. A field produced by electric charges in motion.
    B. A field produced by the sun’s energy.
    C. A field produced by gravitational forces.
    D. A field produced by the earth’s rotation.
    Correct Answer: A. A field produced by electric charges in motion.
    Explanation: magnetic field as a field produced by electric charges in motion.
  4. Why is the magnetic field of YZ Ceti b important?
    A. It suggests the presence of a prerequisite for a habitable planet.
    B. It causes energy surges from the sun.
    C. It protects earth from solar waves.
    D. It produces spectacular auroral lights on earth.
    Correct Answer: A. It suggests the presence of a prerequisite for a habitable planet.
    Explanation: The magnetic field of YZ Ceti b suggests the presence of a prerequisite for a habitable planet.
  5. What is the “Goldilocks zone”?
    A. The distance from a star where a planet can sustain water and have an atmosphere.
    B. The distance from a star where a planet gets burnt.
    C. The distance from a star where a planet has a strong magnetic field.
    D. The distance from a star where a planet has a similar size to Earth.
    Correct Answer: A. The distance from a star where a planet can sustain water and have an atmosphere.
    Explanation: The essay states that the “Goldilocks zone” refers to the distance from a star where a planet can sustain water and have an atmosphere.

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